Teaching activities encompass the activities carried out in classrooms, laboratories, and field visits of the curriculum units present in the pedagogical projects of the Science and Technology and Water Resources Engineering courses. These activities also involve the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies to offer training courses for students and the local community. They aim to promote the exchange of knowledge between the university and the community within the watershed area. This will be achieved through partnerships and actions with local schools and residents' associations.
Research activities are responsible for the production and dissemination of knowledge through incentives for scientific and technological innovation. These activities will be developed with the participation of faculty members and students from undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
Science outreach and culture
As atividades de extensão e cultura serão desenvolvidas conforme as regras vigentes da UFVJM e também de acordo com Política Nacional de Extensão Universitária. "A Extensão Universitária é o processo educativo, cultural e científico que articula o Ensino e a Pesquisa de forma indissociável e viabiliza a relação transformadora entre Universidade e Sociedade. A Extensão é uma via de mão-dupla, com trânsito assegurado à comunidade acadêmica, que encontrará, na sociedade, a oportunidade de elaboração da praxis de um conhecimento acadêmico" (FORPROEX, 2015, p.15).
Innovation activities encompass the development of new technologies, processes, and products aimed at promoting scientific and technological advancements. These activities will be carried out in collaboration with faculty, students, and researchers from both undergraduate and graduate programs, seeking creative solutions to contemporary challenges. Innovation will be encouraged through partnerships with companies, research institutions, and the local community, fostering an environment conducive to the creation and implementation of innovative ideas that can benefit society and drive sustainable development.